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Remotely SignOut from Gmail & Google Drive

As a heavy user of all things Google, there are occasions when have forgotten to log out of a session.  With the increased presence of Chromebooks in schools, students and teachers may run into a similar problem since Chromebooks don’t automatically log you out from your Google account, leaving you vulnerable.  Fear not!  You can remotely log out of Gmail and Google Drive from any device to end all open sessions by following these simple steps:

Gmail Logout Session
Gmail Logout Session
  1. Access your Gmail by going to
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the Gmail inbox window until you see “Account Details” which is in very small print at the bottom right corner of the screen.
  3. Click “Details”
    1. You will see all your active sessions displayed
    2. Click “Sign out of All Web Sessions” which will log you out of any web sessions.

    You will have to re-log into any web sessions with your Google username and password to regain access on your devices, since this action will log you out form all sessions.  Mobile devices typically access Google Drive and Mail using Apps, which will NOT be logged out using this method.

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